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Event Program

<Event Program>


Reflections and Next Steps
after the Youth Mentoring Event

March 18, 2024

Dear the Mentees and Parents, 

We hope you had a rewarding experience at the event! It was a rare opportunity for us to gather so many amazing individuals in one place. Please remember the insights you gained last Saturday and one day, you might be the one to inspire others.

One of the goals of our effort is to establish a rich tradition within the Korean American community in the United States. Here, our accomplished Korean youth, who were once mentees themselves, willingly step into the role of mentors for the next generation across various sectors of society. Together, they foster growth, guidance, and mutual support, perpetuating a cycle of leadership not only within the Korean American community but also within Asian communities as a whole in the U.S. We plan to continue this tradition by hosting this event annually.


1. Did you gain valuable insights for your career path? We encourage you to reflect on your experience and share it with us by writing a short essay and sending it to us by March 23. Once we receive your essay, we will issue a certificate from Congresswoman Young Kim or Michelle Park Steel. All of your names have already been submitted. Your essay will be posted on the KOWIN OC website, and possibly in newspapers if they are of good writing.

2. Mark your calendars for our upcoming event on May 8th! At this event, we will focus on two things: how to build good essay-writing skills and ways to prepare for tuition to ensure you are well-equipped for your academic journey. When we receive more detailed information, we will send it to you.

3. For parents interested in becoming KOWIN OC members, we welcome you to reach out to us. Let's collaborate to create opportunities for the next generation. While as individual Korean mothers, we may be limited to working within family boundaries, together as a team of Korean mothers, we can grow together and achieve significant milestones. (KOWINOC의 회원이 되는 것에 관심이 있는 부모님들은 연락주세요. 모두를 두 팔 벌려 환영합니다. 다음 세대를 위한 기회를 만들기 위해 함께 협력해 봅시다. 한국인 엄마 개인으로서, 우리는 가족 범위 내에서 일할 수 밖에 없지만, 한국인 어머니들로 구성된 한 팀으로서 뭉치면 함께 성장하고 엄청난 일들을 만들어 나갈 수 있습니다. 중요한 이정표를 달성할 수 있는 초석을 함께 만들어 갑시다). 

Thank you for attending the 'Youth Mentoring Event' again, and I hope you have a good school life and activities.

Best regards,

MinHee Seong, President 
Korea Women’s International Network Orange County Chapter

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  •  Up Coming Event

<청소년 멘토링 네트워크 워크숍>

  • 일시: 2024년 3월 16일 (토요일), 오전 10시 – 오후 2:30 (Provide lunch)

  • 장소: Orange Korean Church

  • 대상: 중.고등. 대학생

  • 주최: KOWIN OC

  • ​모든 참석자에게 Certificate 이 수여됩니다. 



  1. Korean-American으로서 주류 사회에서 활동하는 전문 직업인들이 본인들의 소중한 경험과   지식을 한인 청소년들과 공유하여 그들의 미래를 밝게 이끌어 나가는데 도움을 주는 시간을 갖는다. 

  2. 이를 바탕으로 한인 청소년들이 한국인으로서의 자부심을 갖고 정체성을 발견하여 더 높은 미래의 목표를 갖고  도전할 수 있는 동기 부여의 기회를 마련한다.

  3. 훗날 사회 각계 각층에 자리 잡은 훌륭한 인재로 성장한 한인 청소년들이 기꺼이 후진들의 멘토 역할을 하여 세대를 거듭하여 서로 이끌어주고  함께 성장하는 미주 한인 사회의 전통을 만들어 나가는 데에 초석이 되는 것에  목적을 둔다.



한인 청소년들이 미국 주류 사회에서 활동하고 있는 Korean-American 전문직업인들과 함께 대화를 나누고 그들에게 정보를 얻는 자리로써, 그들이 어떻게 공부하여 어떤 경로를 거쳐 현재의 위치에 왔는지에 대한 경험을 공유한다. 또한, 청소년들이 향후 진로에 대한 방향을 찾을 수 있도록 도움을 제공한다. 워크숍에서는 청소년들의 질문을 받고, 멘토링을 통해 진로 방향을 제시하며, 해당 분야의 가이드라인과 준비 과정을 소개한다.


세부 내용:

  • 전문인과의 경험 공유

  • 청소년들의 질문 및 답변 시간

  • 진로 방향 제시와 가이드라인 소개

  • 멘토링의 역할 및 중요성 강조


  • We can advise on and arrange accommodation if required please email us at 

  •  Up Coming Event

<Youth Mentoring Network Workshop>

  • Date: March 16, 2024 (Saturday), 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM (lunch provided)

  • Location: Orange Korean Church

  • Target Audience: Middle and high school students

  • Host: KOWIN OC 

  • We award certificates to all students.

As an opportunity for Korean-American teenagers residing in the United States to engage in conversations and gather information from Korean-American professionals actively involved in mainstream American society, the event provides a platform for experts to share their experiences on how they studied and the paths they took to reach their current positions. Additionally, it aims to assist teenagers in finding directions for their future careers. During the seminar, mentors will address questions from the teenagers, offer guidance on career directions, and introduce guidelines and preparation processes for their respective fields.

In collaboration with Korean-American professionals, the event will facilitate the exchange of experiences, detailing the educational journeys and career paths that middle and high school students can pursue to reach their current positions. Moreover, the seminar aims to guide youth in shaping their future careers. The session will include a Q&A segment, providing an opportunity for mentors to address youth queries, offer guidance on career directions, and introduce guidelines and preparation processes relevant to their respective fields.

Detailed Agenda:

  • Sharing experiences with professionals

  • Q&A session for youth

  • Emphasis on the role and importance of mentoring


  • We can advise on and arrange accommodation if required please email us at

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